Monday, June 6, 2011

Back From The Beach (Boo Hoo)...Part 1

Most of the Morrises went to the beach last week to celebrate Memorial Day.  Let me pause on that subject for a second and say thank you, again, to all of our Service men and women.  Both current and former military.  My dear Father-In-Law is a proud Vietnam veteran and I am free because of the brave.
(photo by Bob Morris)
Anyway we had a blast!  R and C, I promise that Mommy and Daddy will take you back to the beach again really soon.  We traveled to Orange Beach, AL for 6 days and 5 nights.  The group consisted of my mom, the kids, and me; and Tam and Kylee.  By the way, it has been way.too.long since I have been to the beach with T and K and it was so good to get back!
Once again, Kylee and I were asked several times if we are sisters.  We need to just start saying "yes" because, honestly, I barely remember a time in my life when I didn't know her and I am fairly certain she cannot remember a time.

We arrived on Saturday and the kids immediately donned swimsuits and jumped into the pool.  Since it was only truly a half-day we didn't do the beach yet.  I should mention that we were staying in the rental my cousins Timberly and Jack own, and I was so excited that I also got to spend time with my Aunt Joyce and cousins Timberly, Jack, and sweet Olivia -- who is 6 and played so wonderfully with Rob -- on this trip.
(photo by Timberly Harris)

Being a Saturday night, the Rib Shak, the restaurant my cousin Jack owns, had live music on their patio.  I know most people don't think of great bar-b-que when they think of eating at the beach, but now you should!  Y'all, the bar-b-que is outstanding, but they also have pulled pork egg rolls that are out of this world! Ohmigosh!!! I'm talking a lightly fried outer shell stuffed with meat, cheese, and a special sauce.  You then dip them in a sweet and sour sauce and you are hooked!  You have to trust me on this one...ah-MAY-zing!

Did I mention live music?  They were playing a variety of great tunes, but Caroline's favorite was definitely the banjo. I guess both my kids will now be musical prodegies.
(photo by Timberly Harris)
(photo by Timberly Harris)
So, with no further ado, it was time to hit the beach the next day!  Our kids were all decked out in their patriotic best.  Caroline loved, loved, loved the sand and the beach.  All except for the time she ate the sand (what toddler doesn't?) and she couldn't get it off her tongue...Rob, on the other hand, was extremely worried about the ocean.  He didn't want any buckets, shovels, etc. to be near the shore because he just knew eveverything would be washed away.  I think the constant motion was a little overwhelming, although in his defense, it was a Red Flag day everyday, so the water was rough.
After our first full day of beach, surf, sand, and pool, we had worked up quite an appetite.  We all gussied up and ventured out to our first seafood dinner at The Crab Trap.  We were lookin' good, too!  Check out the view from our balcony!
Perhaps we were having way too much fun; perhaps one can almost loose all sense of time while at the beach.  However, I can tell you we waited too long to venture out to dinner on a Holiday weekend! Y'all...we didn't get sat at a table until about 8:30 PM.  The kids didn't mind the wait much.  This is how they waited:
Yes, The Crab Trap has a great playground in a giant sand trap.  Fun times.  If you are in sandals.  Or a child.  Anyway, the kids didn't realize how long they were being held away from food.  That is, until we got to the table.  Look at this picture of Caroline that follows.  She looks absolutely worried about whether or not she will get to eat.  Ha!
Rob, on the other hand, said if he didn't get to eat soon, he would use his ferocious skills on the chef and force someone to whip up something edible ASAP.
After being well fed and becoming extremely tired it was time to do it all over again the next day.  So we headed "back" to the beach.  But I'll save that for Part 2...
'Til then, folks, that's all!  I hope you are having a wonderful summer.  Please continue to remember those less fortunate in your daily prayers, especially those affected by the April 27th storms.  Also pray for our Troops!

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