Saturday, June 5, 2010

Caroline is 6 Months Old Now!

(It has been a busy week getting back to our normal schedule.  So this post is just a little late this month.  Sorry...)

Weight: 16 lbs 2 oz
Length: 26"
Head Circumference: 16 1/2"

Sleeping Patterns: You go to bed about 7:30 PM.  You definitely will let us know when you are ready!  These days, you also like to be laid in the bed still just a little awake.  You will fall asleep on your own.  However, you must have no intention of sleeping through the night.  You just won't do it.  Mommy is trying to be patient, though.  You will wake up almost every night around until 2:30 or 3 o'clock AM. You wake up for the morning between 6:45 and 7:00 AM. You still enjoy your mid-morning and afternoon naps, although the morning one is getting shorter and the afternoon one is getting longer.  I think you are transitioning towards a one-nap pattern. In your bed, you like to move yourself into the front corner of your crib on your stomach.  You must like the comfort of being wedged into this little area.  The first time I discovered this, I went in to check on you and thought you were out of the bed!  Then I found you in the corner.

Eating Habits: Milestone moment: you stopped nursing this month.  You were down to nighttime only, but that just was not filling you up, so we went to a bottle.  You drink 6 oz about 5 times a day now. Your nighttime bottle has rice cereal in it.  We also tried to spoon feed bananas at the end of this month.  You were just not sure what to do with the spoon, but it was an overall good time.  Mommy will wait to talk to Dr. McCown before giving you lots of baby food.

New Discoveries & Accomplishments: You have started sitting up all the time.  You do not like to lie down for anything anymore (which makes diaper changing like wrestling an alligator sometimes).  You have fallen in love with putting everything in your mouth!  You like Sophie your giraffe, you can put your own passie in your mouth (although it's usually upside down or going in sideways), and you have started babbling up a storm.  You are such a talker!  You know your "d" sounds which, of course, sounds like you are saying Dada all the time.  You also like your "b" sounds which sounds like Bubba.  So the guys in your life (Daddy and Brother) are very excited about this.  Sometimes, if someone looks at you and playfully says "No No No" you will shake your head back and forth as if agreeing with that person.  You are just so funny these days.  You have a huge personality!

Places You Love: You have started sitting in your Exersaucer a lot and you really like it.  You still like your Johnny Jump-Up.  You have not wanted to swing in your swing in a while.  I think it lulls you to sleep and you are so afraid you will miss something!  We have spent our Sundays at the ballpark with your brother, and you love being in the summer sun sitting in your stroller.

Special Friends: This month, Mommy and brother had a playdate, so you got to spend the day at Miss Beth's house.  You were a hit!  All the boys and girls -- Allie, Braxton, Morgan, Ella, and Jacob -- loved on you.  Now when I drop Rob off Morgan, especially, will say "Where Ca'line?"  But your most special friend of all is your brother.  Most little girls automatically know to be Daddy's little princess and you are no different.  However, your Prince Charming is Rob.  Your face lights up whenever you spot him.  He can make you smile and laugh more than anyone else!  You are crazy about your big brother.

Current Events: The oil is getting closer in the Gulf Coast.  Also there was a car bomb scare in Times Square New York which is believed to be an act of terrorism.  Elena Kagan has been nominated as the newest US Supreme Court Justice.  Nashville, TN has been flooded damaging and almost destroying famous landmarks such as the Grand Ol' Opry House and killing 20 people.

What We Did This Day: On your 6-month birthday, we were waking up in SanDestin, FL.  We had been down there for a 5-day vacation -- your first beach trip which you loved!  Today we had to come home.  When we got home we were all pooped, so we took it easy.  We had your 6-month check-up the next day (6/2/10) and you got your newest vaccines.  Dr. McCown gave the green-light for more solid foods and said you will just have to cry it out.  You need to be sleeping through the night.  Dr. McCown was blown away by how steady you can sit up alone already.  You got a wonderful checkup.  You are so healthy and we are all so blessed.

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