Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day Craft

I love a homemade's truly something you have to think about and the effort truly comes from the heart. The problem is I have a hard time finding the time with these 2 youngsters to make the craft. And we are so blessed with a large, extended family that on Father's Day (as with Mother's Day) we have not one but five, yes FIVE, fathers to celebrate. Nevertheless, this weekend we got crafty! Here's how it went...

We're making cement stepping stones. First we gathered the supplies and put down some construction paper to protect the table surface.
Next we started mixing the cement and poured them into the included plastic molds:
Now throughout this process, I asked Rob about all the Grandparents. What is your favorite thing about Papa Joe? "He has a funny 'moose stash' and he's going to let me drive his truck (someday).
Through trial and error, I found it was best to let the cement sit for a minute and get the top layer hardened before stepping into them. At one point, this was best accomplished by changing a poopy diaper! Now, let's step. Rob, what's your favorite thing about Rocky? "I love his Eagle tatoo."Caroline immediately squished her foot around. It was hard to keep her still. So for the most part, her foot was used as a guide and then I had to detail it later. Rob, what's your favorite thing about Papa? "He teaches me really smart things to know." Okay...again let this set up. How about a quick bottle for the baby...
Now let's decorate them! Rob, what's your favorite thing about Granddaddy? "He lets me come over and play and spend the night sometimes. And he's funny." Finally, we are finished. Rob, what is your favorite thing about your Daddy? "Um, I don't know. Everything is my favorite!" Awe...Rob and Caroline have the best daddy in the whole wide world! Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. I have read every single blog so far, Emily, and
    I have loved them all! What a great mother (not
    to mention daughter) you are! Now here's the
    dumb part...I'm not computer/blog saavy, so help
    me get on your blog list or help me know how the
    best way is to stay in the loop. It is just flat fun reading about your family...I adore Bobby, and who couldn't cherish the sight of Rob and Caroline?
